Category Archives: working out

Legion Athletics Pulse Pre Workout Supplement Review

Move over Cellucor C4, there’s a new kid on the block! The Pulse pre workout supplement by Legion Athletics is here, and it has taken a well earned place in the heavyweight category of high performance pre workout supplements. This product is built on a solid foundation of exercise science and sports nutrition, and all of the ingredients… Read More »

Performix ION Pre Workout Review

The Performix ION pre workout supplement is one of the new generation of pre workout products and is rapidly gaining popularity among both new and experienced pre workout users. While not exactly the new kid on the block, it is still relatively new to most people, and many have never heard of it. Much like Jack3D… Read More »

The Best Cardio Machines for Weight Loss

I see and hear so many people asking what the best cardio machines for weight loss are. People spend hours arguing about it in the fitness subreddit. Unfortunately there is no one simple answer to this, it entirely depends on many factors that are specific to each person’s individual circumstances. Most machines are suitable for most… Read More »

Naturo Nitro Pre Workout – Decimus – Review

Much like Cellucor C4 Extreme, the Naturo Nitro pre workout Decimus supplement by Naturo Sciences is one of the most popular pre workout products on the market today. It is one of the new generation formulas that are really taking the science of supplementation to the next level. The science of building muscles is getting more advanced all… Read More »

What’s your pre workout routine?

While there are many similarities in people’s pre workout routines, there are also many differences. I find this quite interesting, and would love to hear about what everyone does. Please comment below with things such as: Do you go to a gym? Maybe you work out at home, or in a park, or something else… Read More »