5 of the Best Pre Workout Supplements for Energy

By | July 5, 2016

best pre workout supplements for energyIn this article we will discuss some of the benefits of taking a pre workout drink for energy and what I think are 5 of the best pre workout supplements you can take for increasing your energy levels during a workout. In the context of this discussion, when I say workout I mean any sort of exercise. This can be resistance exercises performed at the gym or at home, cardio exercises like running or cycling or various sports, or a combination workout comprising of both resistance and cardio exercise.

We Need Energy

For most of us, running out of energy is what puts an end to our athletic pursuits, especially if we are talking about working out in the gym before or after work or doing some other sort of exercise with the main aim being to improve or maintain our health. Often, a lack of energy will stop us from even starting. I mean, how many times have you woken up to the sound of your alarm clock and barely had the energy to open your eyes, let alone get out of the comfort of your warm bed, get dressed and drag yourself to the gym.

Running Out of Energy is Bad

Lack of sleep, poor diet, too many drinks, stress, illness, genetics and so many other factors can have a large impact our energy levels, and often times we may not even realize it. When our energy levels are down, we will often find it hard or impossible to get moving, especially when we know that what we want to do (gym, running etc) will involve a lot of energy and leave us feeling tired. If we are already feeling tired or run down then it is most likely that we will avoid any activity which is going to drain our energy any further.

Pre Workout Energy Booster Supplements

So when we are feeling devoid of energy at a time when we might have planned to do a workout we often need a bit of assistance to get us going. In my experience the best way to get this is with a pre workout supplement. The majority of these supplements are designed to both stimulate and energize our mind and body to help us get the most out of our workouts or sporting endeavors. In many cases throughout my day to day life, taking a good pre workout drink has been the difference between hitting the gym for a workout or going back to bed for an hour. And let me tell you, the only workouts I have ever regretted were the ones I didn’t do. At first the bed seems like a better option but after completing a workout I have never thought “gee I wish I had stayed in bed”.

Benefits of Taking a Pre Workout for Extra Energy

More Energy = Better Workout


It is not rocket science and even someone as slow as me can figure out that the more energy we have, the more reps we can do of a heavier weight. Not only can we lift harder and longer when we are more energized but we can also do more exercises to work the same muscles, thus tearing more muscle fibers and getting stronger, faster. The energy and endurance hit that a good pre workout gives us can really help to get the best results from our time at the gym.

More Motivation = Better Workout

While physical energy is super important, it is also true that a large part of any game is mental. We may find that when we are more motivated we can actually push ourselves further than what we actually thought was possible. You know like when you’ve reached the end of your set but then feel that cute girl’s eyes on you and all of a sudden you get a burst of energy and push out another 5 reps. Or you are running and see that person up ahead and suddenly find yourself running faster in order to overtake them? The mind can be very powerful and the best pre workout supplements contain mental stimulants and nootropics to put you in a better mood and also increase your mental focus and motivation.


As well as a good pre workout powder, I find the right music makes a difference to my personal motivation levels too.

My Top 5 Pre Workout Supplements for Energy

Ok so if it’s energy you want, then get yourself one of these 5 products listed below. Whether you want long lasting energy, an intense burst or a deeper level of energy without using caffeine or other stimulants, then read below to see which pre workout drink will suit you the best.

Pre Workout Supplements for Long Lasting Energy

If you need your energy to last a bit longer than what you get from most pre workouts, you are in the right spot. The 2 products I’ll now tell you about (you can thank me later) both utilize unique high tech mechanisms to deliver you an energy boost more smoothly over a longer period.

Vintage Blast Pre Workout By Old School Labs

old school labs vinage blast pre workout supplementThis is a great pre workout product that delivers longer lasting energy by including a special form of micro encapsulated caffeine that is absorbed more slowly by your body. It works in synergy with the other ingredients to deliver you a “2nd wind” thus helping you maximize your workout. You will find a complete breakdown of the formula and ingredients in my full review here: Old School Labs Vintage Blast Pre Workout Review

VINTAGE BLAST - Two-Stage Pre-Workout Supplement

Performix Ion Pre Workout

performix ion pre workout supplementAnother innovative product is the Ion pre workout by Performix. It uses patented Terra bead technology to delay the release into your body thus extending your boost. The Terra beads are quite sophisticated and have several layers that release at different speeds to optimize the delivery of the active ingredients so you get the right amount at the right time. More details and information in my full review here: Performix ION Pre Workout Review

Performix ION Multi-phase Pre-workout

Strong Pre Workout Supplements That Smack You In The Face

If you are looking for a stronger, more intense burst of energy then you you probably want to try one of the more potent ‘standard’ pre workout drinks. You can’t go wrong with either of the two below.

Pulse Pre Workout by Legion Athletics

Legion Athletics Pulse Pre Workout SupplementThe Pulse pre workout is one of the best on the market today, in my opinion. It is one of the few supplements that actually contains clinically effective doses of the active ingredients that will help you with not only higher energy but also endurance and recovery. This is a product that is suitable for anyone from beginners right through to advanced. Due to the generous doses of the active ingredients it can be very cost effective because for many people half a serve will be enough for their requirements. More information in my detailed review here: Legion Athletics Pulse Pre Workout Supplement Review

Legion Athletics Pulse Pre Workout Supplement
Pulse pre workout supplement by Legion Athletics is one of the hottest products available today. Try it for yourself and see why!

The Curse Pre Workout by Cobra Labs

The Curse Pre Workout supplement by Cobra LabsSo if you are looking for something with “blow your head off” type of energy, then The Curse is the pre workout for you.  I mean, just take a look at the packaging. It looks mean and gives mean results. This stuff is strong, so if you are new to pre workout supplementation then this may not be right for you but if you are a seasoned user looking for something to knock your socks off then give it a go.

If you are just looking for energy though, this can be quite economical as you can take half a serve to give you a boost. With half a serve you won’t get enough of the other ingredients for pump and endurance etc but the stimulant component is very strong so if this is all you are after then this can work quite well.

Cobra Labs The Curse Advanced Pre-Workout
"The Curse is one of the most powerful, and mind blowing pre workout supplements on the planet. Manufactured by Cobra Labs in the USA, it's an ultra-concentrated blend of potent ingredients that blows every other pre workout product to pieces."

High Energy Stimulant Free Pre Workout

If you are sensitive to caffeine and other stimulants then you have probably avoided pre workout supplements or maybe tried one once and immediately regretted it. Well don’t worry, there are stimulant free supplements you can take so that you too can enjoy the energy boosting benefits a pre workout can bring without the jitters or anxious feelings that can sometimes go with it.

Magnum Opus

magnum opus pre workout supplementWhen it comes to stimulant free pre workouts Opus would have to be the leader of the pack. The Opus pre workout by Magnum Nutraceuticals is a supplement that energizes your muscles without stimulating your central nervous system. This is a product that is popular with bodybuilders, fitness models and general fitness enthusiasts. It is formulated to boost your athletic performance without using any stimulants. As well as people that don’t like stimulants this product is also good for people that want to take a separate source like caffeine pills or jugs of coffee. There is lots of additional information in this detailed review: Magnum Opus Pre Workout Review

Magnum Opus Pre Workout Supplement
Magnum Opus is commonly used by bodybuilders and fitness models. Try it for yourself and see why!


You can take a pre workout for extra energy to help you with working out or sport, or anything really. For longer lasting energy, Vintage Blast and Ion are good. For intense energy, Pulse and The Curse have your number, and for a stimulant free pre workout you can’t go wrong with Opus. Now, what are you waiting for! Happy lifting!

Explosive Cardio Strength Workout; 40 min of High Energy Training


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2 thoughts on “5 of the Best Pre Workout Supplements for Energy

  1. Blame

    Stamina is one of the most challenging things people can train in order to make themselves a better athlete. Quite often we might even over train and feel sick afterwards.

    If your products can give me an energy boost then I would definitely give it a try. Thank you for the information.


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